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I am here to assist you in identifying and clearing limiting patterns from past lives, as well as from this life, so that you can enjoy life fully connected to your birth rights of joy, divine power, health, vitality, and creatively expressing your gifts with ease.


Soul Realignment is a thorough and concise system, coupled with my own intuitive abilities and clear intention of accuracy, that have helped many people unlock the chains we've become bound by, through negative experiences, choices and patterns.


I offer several different types of readings, each one taking you through the unveiling and re-alignment to your Original Divine Soul Blueprint.

Through this work, it can open the path to becoming free, identifying and activating your gifts, having healthier relationships, more prosperity, and enhancing your own connection to source and your team of spiritual guides. 


Working as a Spirit Guide Coach is another deeply rewarding way to achieve your goals in alignment with your highest path and purpose. 


It is essential to also work with other tools to enhance and maintain well being, while also integrating the deep spiritual healing work we do together, such as yoga, meditation, and Shamanic Yoga & Dance Workshops, which I offer for groups, individuals, and businesses in the Asheville area. 


The Soul Realignment work is very illuminating, and freeing. Sessions are done by phone, so they can be done from wherever you are!


I have dedicated my life to becoming a clear channel for the most accurate information, to support you on your soul's journey. 

Let's get started!




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